Hey, want to try making your own Karaoke from any youtube track? Check out some samples on our new beta website Pruthak (which means 'to separate') to split a track into vocals, drums, bass, piano!
चित्रपट / Name: एम एस धोनी: द अनटोल्ड स्टोरी-(M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story)
वर्ष / Year: 2016
कलाकार / Starring: सुशांत सिंग राजपुत-(Sushant Singh Rajput)
संगीतकार / Music Director(s): अमाल मलिक-(Amaal Mallik)
गीतकार / Lyricist(s): मनोज मुन्ताशिर-(Manoj Muntashir)
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